Housing First in Colorado Springs…Let’s Talk!

I went to this meeting the the Colorado Springs Fellowship Church puts on once a month called “Lets Talk”.  It is a way for the community to come out and have the opportunity to talk to the Chief of Police Peter Carey, Sheriff Bill Elder and the DA of El Paso and Teller County Dan May.

They discussed with approximately 150 people the issues of housing first Colorado Springs.

Of course I was there to ask if they have any funding for the homeless, if so, how much and what are the going to spend it on?

The answer came from the man the Chief of Police Peter Carey. He said he will connect me with Annie Cox the expert in the homeless situation in Colorado Springs.  He also said there is 1 million dollars to go towards the homeless situation.  Hopefully it is used wisely and homes are bought and children are put into them along with the parents and a counselor.  Housing first in Colorado Springs, and then people can start getting their lives back.




  1. I apologize for my late response. I am just getting back into posting and social media efforts for RSU.
    You and many many people are in the same boat as you are in this country. I am diligently working to fulfill my commitment for housing for homeless families and their children. It is a big project and will take a lot of money. I have been fund raising which is creating public awareness, and admin. One step at a time. I feel for you, hopefully in the near future Right Side UP can be able to help. It is not the lack of work, just money, which as we all know it does not happen over night….but Right Side UP is happening…..please keep the faith. Taking the Less out of Homeless takes one step at a time, and we are at the first few steps. Please be patient.

  2. My feet are becoming so worn down and unhealthy, I no longer wish to walk around all night 24/7 to prove to myself I can persevere through any law or ordinance this city can think of. Now, Where is my room with a roof over my head? I am 24 years old walking around 24/7, with a lot of brilliant ideas and brain functioning capabilities. So help me. Or dont say this organization stands for helping the homeless. Cody Michael Knighten. CMK

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