
Dog Tip of the DAY!
Dogs need a summer Doo. It is better for the dogs (and human) to have shorter hair in the summer for several reasons.
REASON #1: Kooler
REASON #2 More Comfortable
REASON #3 Less Maintenance
So cut your dogs hair short in the summer and leave it long in the winter. You and your dog will like it better

Dog Tip of the DAY!

Sometimes dogs will gnaw on their bodies for no reason. Well of course, there is a reason, but Crystal gives you an idea what that reason could be.
If it is not hot spots, it typically will be related to food if they are biting themselves on the body. If your dog is biting its feet and legs, the problem usually is from environment. In the Spring time of the year a lot of chemicals are put on the grass for one reason or another and your dog could be allergic to the chemical. Give them a bath and put some soothing lotion on the body part they are chewing.

Crystal K. Waldorf (my sister) LOVES dogs. She has been grooming dogs for 40 years, and still loves it.
Crystal grooms about six to 10 dogs a day 5 days a week. She is truly and EXPERT about dogs. You can ask her anything
about dogs and she has the answer. Diet, hair, behaviors…Crystal also TRAINS DOGS. I call her the DOG WHISPERER. I have never seen
any person in my life have the talent she has in understanding dogs why and what they feel, think and behave. DOGS LOVE CRYSTAL!

Golda and Stella come in for a Waldorf Spa hair cut and bath every 10 weeks. They Love it. Boy do they look Good

Willie the Labardoodle has a curly coat. Crystal will groom Willie up to look Great!

Willie Looks GREAT!

Crystal is the BEST! She knows how to communicate with dogs with touch, sound, voice tones, voice commands and feelings! When Crystal works with a
dog she figures out the emotional status of the dog. Crystal has a natural way about her to settle any dog down. I have seen her settle dogs down many many times in my life. Bear is a lucky dog.

Bathing dogs with different shampoos for their hair type makes sense to me. She uses oatmeal/ Aloe Vera shampoo to calm and sooth the skin. Brightening shampoo to give a shiny luster to the dogs coat. Tearless shampoo for the eye areas. Ever dogs with arthritis get a medical eucalyptus shampoo treatment. Crystal goes the extra mile taking care of these dogs while she grooms them.

Another Happy Beautiful Dog!

Ronnie the Beautiful White Standard Poodle

Large dogs take a lot of time and effort to bath and groom. At least 3 to 6 hours from start to finish.

Finished Pet Grooming work of Art
The Long Hard process of grooming goes as follows.
1. Cut knots out
2. shave extra hair off.
3. Clean ears
4. Cut nails
5. Bath
6. Blow Dry
7. Finish Hair Cut
Ta have a groomed dog….
 Much easier said then done

Many dog tips of the Day…..

Yes Juila is back in Colorado bathing dogs with her sister Crystal in order to get my Real Estate Brokers License back up and running in order to work with (real estate choices) and (Right Side UP)